Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is celebrated worldwide for both her talents as an actress and her beauty. Her personal life has always been of great public interest and widely reported, but beyond all this, Jolie is most passionate about humanitarian causes, particularly the plight of refugees. Since her appointment by the United Nations in 2001 as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), she has gone on field missions to over twenty countries around the globe.
* Reviews *
The Celebrities with a Heart series attempts to introduce young teen readers to celebrities in a manner that goes beyond tabloid headlines and professional successes, attempting to emphasize personal charity. In the two titles of this review the intent was achieved with varying success. Angelina Jolie is a tabloid favorite, a highly visible actress both in her personal and professional life. Schuman addresses some of the personal controversy of her life but without detail. in a manner appropriate for this age group. Beyond what is known of her in this sense, Jolie is a humanitarian activist who brings her name, passion, and money to support global causes. While the Jolie title outlines her career and some of her personal life, there is a great deal of time spent on her charity.