Who on Earth is Sylvia Earle?
Named Time magazine's first "hero for the planet," Sylvia Alice Earle is a world-renown oceanographer. She was chief scientist for the U.S. NOAA from 1990-1992. In this biography, author Susan Reichard paints the life and work of Dr. Earle who expanded people's awareness of the importance of conserving our oceans and what we take out of them, demonstrating the interdependence of land and sea.
* Reviews *
Scientists Saving the Earth series. These books offer biographical information about environmentalists. The series' focus is uneven; for example, the Carr volume tells much more about sea turtles than about the man himself while the Carson book relies on lengthy excerpts from her writing to highlight her story. Nevertheless, readers will get a sense of the subjects' importance in their fields. Photographs illustrate the texts. Reading list, timeline, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2010