In command of the king's fleet, we are headed for India to trade for silks and spices in the late 1500s. This step-by-step guide will help readers find a crew, set course, and fulfill the task. Readers avoid pirates and sinking the ship, and could return to wealth and glory. A fun and exciting way to introduce readers to the world in the age of exploration and the shipping trade.
* Reviews *
These richly detailed illustrated stories cover significant events in European historyfrom a Stone Age mammoth hunt to a spice trade sailing expedition. This historical series has a twistthe narrative viewpoint. The reader is not just a passive reviewer of historical events. The main character in the story is the readercan you capture a medieval castle, can you command a trading vessel, or can you capture a Roman city? The occupations of boatswains, armorers, and cooks emphasize the role of a community in a historical event, providing a people's history of western civilization. The text and diagrams convey details, such as how many tons of wheat are needed for a crew or how to shoot a crossbow, which could be a means for integrating science or math concepts into a history unit, making the books even more valuable. Bibliography. Glossary. Timeline. Index. Highly Recommended., Library Media Connection August/September 2009
3--5 IL
3-5 GRL