Chocolate Ants, Maggot Cheese, and More
Would your readers eat chocolate ants or roasted grasshoppers? What about maggot cheese or octopus? Authors Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn introduce readers to foods from all over the world that students may think are yucky, and foods that we may eat that other people think are yucky, too.
* Reviews *
Readers should not let the title deter them from taking a good look at this book. They may decide to try some foods considered yucky in one country and a delicacy in another. Readers discover that people from other cultures may find some of their own favorite foods to be exotic, strange or gross. The illustrations are vivid. One picture that stands out is of a young Cambodian woman eating tarantulas on a stick. Another is of Colombian moviegoers munching on roasted ants instead of popcorn. Americans, Europeans and many peoples around the world eat sausages, meat stuffed into casings made of animal intestines. Pennsylvanians love their scrapple, a dish made of organ and head meats. The bibliographical references make it a good addition to middle and high school libraries when information is needed for studying the food traditions of various cultures. Pages of this green book are made of recycled paper and the cover is also environmentally friendly., Children's Literature
5-7 IL
5-9 GRL