Paul Robeson
An actor, singer, and political activist, Paul Robeson spent much of his life in the spotlight and under scrutiny of the press. His presence on stage and his strong singing voice won him international acclaim. When Robeson's Communist sympathies were publicized in the 1950s, his career suffered, but Robeson refused to compromise his integrity. Carin T. Ford tells the story of this notable African-American entertainer and champion of civil rights in America.
* Reviews *
African-American Biography Library series. Published spring 2007. These entries in the competent series trace the lives and contributions of outstanding personalities in the performing arts. Information in each title includes a well-balanced presentation of the trials and triumphs of the subject, fostered by social attitudes during his time. The text, though uninspired, is useful. Formulaic design includes photos, sidebars, and boxed quotes throughout each book. Reading list, timeline, websites. Ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2008