Johannes Gutenberg
Printed almost 500 years ago, Johannes Gutenberg's Bible remains a marvel of technology and art, but almost as breathtaking as the book itself, there's the story of how it all came to be. This book introduces readers to Gutenberg and the trials and tribulations he endured as he struggled to devise his system of moveable-type printing. Persevering through personal and professional hardship, Gutenberg gave the world a gift that sped the Protestant Reformation and revolutionized the spread of information.
* Reviews *
Inventors Who Changed the World series. Crowded with photographs, diagrams, drawings, and artifacts, this biography covers not only Gutenberg's life and career but also the times in which he lived and the history of printing. The writing, though wordy, is easy to understand and explains the printing press in detail. Some readers will appreciate the publisher's enhanced website when it comes time to do their school reports. Reading list, timeline. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2009