Far-Out Science Projects About Earth's Sun and Moon
Careful observation of the sun and moon can answer many questions we have about our planet. What causes day and night? Why do the seasons change? What causes the changing shape of the moon? How can you tell time by watching shadows from the sun? Robert Gardner guides young students in their observations, using simple science experiments. Detailed explanations follow the experiments to explain the science used in each experiment, along with unique ideas for their own science fair project. Supports the National Science Education Standards for K–4 Earth and Space Science.
* Reviews *
Illustrated by Tom Labaff. Rockin' Earth Science Experiments series. Packaged as ideas for science fair projects, these earth science activities encourage detailed and sometimes long-term observation, careful planning, and consideration of core scientific concepts. Although explanations of the scientific principles in each activity are provided, they enhance rather than replace the experiments themselves (though some of the activities across the books are similar). Each is accompanied by cheery cartoonlike illustrations. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Fall 2007