Marshes and Swamps
Part land and part water, wetlands are host to huge numbers of plants and animals. Readers find out how cattails are able to grow in the saturated soil of the swamp without oxygen. Dig beneath the swampy surface of a marsh and uncover the web of life that passes energy from the sun to cordgrass, crabs, and herons. In this interesting book, readers will learn how each living thing plays a part in the world of the wetlands biome.
* Reviews *
Wonderful Water Biomes series. Engaging on-the-scene introductory chapters, well-chosen color photographs (e.g., a picture of divers measuring corals on a Jamaican reef), and invitingly open design introduce students to four water biomes. The interdependency of life in each environment is clear, as are their unique qualities, though some readers may be overwhelmed by the volume of information. Reading list. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2008