Community Helpers of the Past, Present, and Future
Everyone knows that today's fire trucks have flashing lights and blaring sirens. In the early 1900s, horses pulled fire trucks. In the future, firefighters might be robots. Author Linda Bozzo shows community helpers, doctors, police officers, librarians and more, contrasting the helpers of long ago with those of today showing change over time. Colorful, humorous drawings encourage readers to think about what community helpers of the future might be like.
* Reviews *
How do doctors, teachers, firefighters, librarians, mail carriers, veterinarians, dentists, and police officers help their communities and what do they use in their jobs? That is the subject of this book. Each of the occupations is presented with a brief one or two paragraph history. The next page reveals the way they do their work today, and photographs show workers in the past and present. Then the author imagines what the future may look like. It is illustrated by Tom La Baff with cartoon-like drawings. The book would stimulate a good discussion in a classroom or at home. Children could be asked many questions, including what they think the future will be like. Teachers and parents could have their children write about or illustrate their own imaginary futures. This book would appeal to children in kindergarten who do not yet read, but have vivid imaginations and enjoy drawing pictures. Older children could also write their thoughts. There is a glossary at the back of the book explaining words which may not be well understood. A list of books and web sites is provided for those who wish to explore the subjects in more detail., Children's Literature