Fun Food Word Problems Starring Fractions
Fraction word problems don't have to be difficult. Readers will learn the four simple steps to solve any problem. This fully-illustrated book uses entertaining food examples to make solving math word problems easy and fun.
* Reviews *
Get some tips to help you solve math word problems involving fractions and food. Learn how to solve fraction word problems by following four basic steps. The text explains and takes you through the steps to understand the information about the problem, to think about a way to solve the problem, to follow a plan to solve the problem, and to check the results. In the book, different types of word problems (i.e. estimation, comparison, and addition) involving fractions are presented. Included are different ways to solve the problems such as drawing pictures, writing equations, or making models. The color illustrations offer little support. Some students may need additional guidance in understanding how to use the problem solving steps and tips. For specific types of fraction problems, the index is a helpful resource to locate an example. Additional resources (books and websites) are listed and the publishers website also provides additional word problems that can be downloaded. This book is part of the Math Word Problems Solved series. The format and problem solving steps in the series are similar and they cover different areas of math., Children's Literature
3--5 IL
3-5 GRL