Investigating Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating)
Eating disorders are on the rise, and many teens have pressing questions about them. How do you know if you have an eating disorder? Who gets them, and how are they being treated? What is the difference between bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating? Authors Marylou Ambrose and Veronica Deisler give teens all the facts they need for life or report writing.
* Reviews *
Investigating Diseases series. In each volume, seven or eight chapters present facts about the title disease: how it develops or is transmitted, its symptoms, history, prevention, research, and hope for future treatment. The texts are accurate but dry and somewhat repetitive. Influenza relentlessly hammers home the need for vaccination. Text boxes present additional information and a few personal stories. Small photographs break up the pages. Reading list, timeline, websites. Bib., glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2011
9-10 IL
9-12+ GRL