Presidential Power on Trial
The Watergate burglary in 1972, in which men linked to the White House broke into the headquarters of the Democratic Party, led to the downfall of President Richard Nixon. Author William Noble tells this fascinating and dramatic story, explaining the complex political and legal points, and contrasts real events with All the President's Men, the popular movie made about the break-in and investigation.
* Reviews *
One in a series of seven about Famous Court Cases That Became Movies, this title details the Watergate burglaries and other events that led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974 and relates those events to the movie All the Presidents Men. The movie tells the story of the Washington Posts revelations that led to the Presidents resignation. Told in seven chapters, it begins with the Watergate burglaries and other illegal events planned by President Nixon and his staff, attempts to cover up the activities, the Washington Posts efforts to reveal the story to the public, and the eventual trial and resignation of the president and his co-conspirators. The 1976 movie about the two Washington Post reporters efforts to get the story is interwoven with the telling of the real events. Because of the many players and scenarios, it is a very complex story to keep straight, even for high school aged readers. Hopefully, teachers will provide a diagram to help students make sense of it all, as most teachers today probably were too young when the actual events took place. It is an important story but a complicated one. Many photographs are included and the final chapters review the historical significance of this period in history. An appendix of whos who, a glossary, an index, and sources for further study are included., Children's Literature