The 1940s Decade in Photos
Action packed photographs show how as the 1940s opened the world sank into conflict. Adolf Hitler's troops marched through Europe. Japanese forces spread out across Asia and the Pacific Ocean. America hoped to avoid the war but could not. A surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, outraged the nation. World War II quickly engulfed the planet. Americans grimly accepted the challenge of war. Millions joined the armed services. Women worked long hours in factories and shipyards. Fierce battles raged overseas. Slowly, America and its allies scored key victories. The intense flash of an atomic bomb came in 1945. World War II ended and a new era began. Read how it all happened in the 1940s.
* Reviews *
Amazing Decades in Photos series. Vignettes, news items, sidebars, and archival photographs present a cursory history from the 1900s to the present. Significant events and key personalities are included for each decade. Reluctant readers will be drawn to these pictorial histories and perhaps be inspired to do further research. There are five other spring 2010 books in this series. Reading list, timeline, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Fall 2010