The 1970s Decade in Photos
The 1970s were a time of protest and change. Yet, they were happy times, too. The nation celebrated two hundred years of independence. Audiences enjoyed hit films such as Star Wars and Jaws. People dressed in funky clothes. They danced to the beat of disco music. This photo-driven book with fast-paced text shows the 1970s as a decade of change.
* Reviews *
Each volume in this series consists of chapters that highlight major developments in national and world politics, history, medicine, the arts, sports, lifestyles, etc. The final chapter, "Looking Ahead," sets the stage for the next volume. The mainly color photographs and illustrations drive the easy-to-read narrative. Events such as the 1899 U.S. war in the Philippines to prevent its independence and the U.S. as a participant in the Boxer Rebellion are discussed. A small map showing the location of the event would have been useful. The essentially simple sentence structure works well for older students needing hi-lo resources. Bibliography. Chronology. Glossary. Websites. Index. Recommended., Library Media Connection March/April 2010
5-6 IL
5-12+ GRL