The Amazing Erie Canal and How a Big Ditch Opened Up the West
The Erie Canal dramatically changed American commerce and industry in part because the waterway opened up the American West to those in the East. Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin examine the Erie Canal's history, construction, and impact.
* Reviews *
In six succinct chapters, this book from the new Wild History of the American West series shares a brief, informative history of canals; the geographic need for the Erie Canal; and an explanation of how its creation impacted American commerce and history. Like other titles in the MyReportLinks imprint, this one encourages further reading by linking students to various related Web sites via the publishers site. Throughout the text, illustrations of Web pages invite readers to search online for more detailed information. The book's text is clear, and the format is attractive, with excellent black-and-white photos and color illustrations on nearly every page. Back matter includes a glossary and chapter notes. With some practice, young readers should be able to use the links with relative ease, although their organization on the Web page does not follow the same order as those in the book., Booklist October 15, 2006
6-7 IL
6-12+ GRL