The Fascinating History of American Indians
Before Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean, the landscape of the United States looked much different. Thousands of years ago ancient hunters migrated to North America following the animals they hunted for food. These ancient peoples spread out across the land and developed distinct American Indian cultures in various regions. Readers follow author Tim McNeese as he examines the extraordinary history of American Indians from the Anasazi cliff dwellers in the West to the great Iroquois Confederacy in the East.
* Reviews *
This interesting series covers a wide range of history, from the first landings of European explorers to the fairly recent space race that led to the moon landing. Thought it opens with a detailed discussion of the controversy surrounding the discovery of Kennewick Man, American Indians is broad, covering many diverse cultures over several thousand years. The other titles have a more focused analysis. Each one is well sourced, includes extensive back matter, and has a full complement of supporting color photographs or other illustrations that makes it accessible and useful to report writers and general readers., School Library Journal Fall 2008