The Great Philosopher
Give your readers a fascinating book on one of the greats. Plato, author of the Republic, is one of the most famous philosophers of all time. Plato explored an astounding range of topics. In his writing he investigated political theory, virtue, language, art, love, mathematics, religion, and more. Though Plato is perhaps best known for other areas of knowledge, he did make important contributions to the long process that built modern science. Even today, in works like the Republic, Plato leads us to examine what we think we know.
* Reviews *
This nonfiction selection from the Great Minds of Ancient Science and Math series will complement any library collection with the life of this great philosopher from Athens. Platos work, Republic, continually evokes closer examination and discussion of what we know about modern science. His work impacted many areas from academia, universal order, humans importance on the universe as well as mathematics. The 128 page book contains maps, pictures, illustrations, life chronology, chapter notes, glossary, further reading, internet addresses, and index for young readers. Despite the intricate and numerous contributions by this great mind, young readers will find the text succinct and thorough to understand his life and importance. The simplified chapter break downs are effortless for adolescent readers to understand his life lasting accomplishments., Children's Literature