Top 50 Reasons to Care About Marine Turtles
Soaring through the waves. Besides being well known for their shells and leathery flippers, marine turtles possess many other traits that make them special. Do your readers know that unlike land turtles, marine turtles cannot hide in their shells? Or that they use body language to communicate? Marine turtles use the earth's magnetic poles to navigate the ocean. Readers learn fifty fun facts about marine turtles that make these magnificent creatures worth saving from extinction and how they can help.
* Reviews *
With excellent photographs, Christopherson has given the reader fifty reasons to care about this endangered species. Conservation groups fear offshore oil drilling damages the marine habitats and coastlines. Even small amounts of oil are toxic to turtles. Part of the Animals in Peril series, this book makes an excellent connection with the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf. Their patterned shells and leathery flippers identify marine turtles. These fun-filled facts will convince students, their teachers, and parents that these creatures are worth saving from extinction. Readers will learn many fascinating facts about marine turtles lifestyles, diets and mating habits. Turtles are known to stop at cleaning stations, so that fish and shrimp can pick their shells clean. They are thought to use magnetic navigation to return to nest on the same beach where they were born. Marine turtles have inspired many legends. The Chinese revere the turtle as a symbol of longevity and wisdom. By tagging and releasing them, scientists track turtles to learn how far they travel and how long they live. The book concludes with a glossary, further reading list, Internet addresses and an index., Children's Literature