Top 50 Reasons to Care About Polar Bears
Introduce readers to the only marine bears in the world. Besides being well known for their white coats and giant size, polar bears possess many other unique traits that make them special. Did your readers know that polar bear fur is not actually white but transparent? Or that their skin is black to absorb sunlight? Polar bears can swim more than sixty miles without resting. Readers learn fifty fun facts about polar bears that make these magnificent creatures a species worth saving from extinction and how they can help.
* Reviews *
Each volume in this excellent series, subtitled Animals in Peril, contains 50 numbered "Reasons to Care." Facts are gathered into chapters about getting to know the animals, biology, behavior, culture, habitat, threats, and conservation. A strong feeling of environmental threat runs through the books, as they seek to inspire readers to be aware and active. The last "Reason to Care" in each volume includes specific activities that kids can do to help. The illustrations, mostly color photographs, represent a wonderful selection of the animals and their habitats. Reluctant readers may be enticed by this series simply because of the great images. This set would make a substantial supplement to the science curriculum when studying endangered animals. Independent readers also will pick up individual books to read about animals in which they are interested. Highly Recommended., Library Media Connection March/April 2010