Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons of mass destruction, or WMDs, are capable of killing thousands of people at a time. They include nuclear bombs and those that spread radioactive material; biological agents that cause illness; and chemical weapons that can injure and kill scores of people. Recent terror attacks have raised the public's awareness of the capabilities of these weapons. Author Tracy A. Phillips outlines the main types of WMDs, who is using them, and how people are working to save the world from the devastation they could cause.
* Reviews *
Issues in Focus Today series. Short chapters explore the issues of child labor and weapons of mass destruction from a historical perspective. Specific topics include current conditions, the search for solutions, and speculation about the future. Though the text is dense, photographs, sidebars, and biographical information about activists, scientists, and other important figures in each area help give a more personal view. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2008